Tours around Georgia

Georgia is small but very surprising country. We have a coast with subtropical forests, mountains with a number of completely different ecosystems, canyons, waterfalls, mountain lakes and rivers. There’s even a desert and steeps. People settled here thousands of years ago and due to the mountainous landscape, every small region developed it’s own flavor, from local cuisine to architectures. Now we can enjoy this heritage. No wonder Georgia is becoming a popular destination for people from all over the world.

We think it would be a pity to only visit well known and crowded destinations, missing the ones you might not discover without our help. Our tours will be interesting for people who like to improvise and are ready to leave the straight path drawn in travel gruides.

There are lots of tour agencies in Georgia, but not much will take you to remote and less well known destinations, like Tusheti and Racha. It takes more effort to organize proper off-road transportation and drivers, to find a good place for a camping or have contacts with locals to find an accommodation, to plan the food for the mountains and to keep in mind thousands of other details. All the logistics make it less attractive for the ones who would like to make easy money. Call us crazy, but we think it is only worth traveling if it’s an adventure. Of course you will have an opportunity to visit all the usual destinations as well. But be assured that we have some surprises and exciting discoveries for you.

Check out our destinations and keep in mind, that we can always be flexible and build around your needs and wishes.